Queen of Pentacles
Type | Minor Arcana |
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Upright | |
Reversed | |
The Queen of Pentacles is a tarot card.
Rider Waite deck
The Queen sits on a throne made of stone. It has a lower back than many of the thrones of the other royalty cards. The throne is placed the open, with many plants around but not a garden. Somewhere pleasant but wild. A mountain is in the distance, but before it is a winding river, and just behind the throne are flowers.
The grass in front of the throne is patchy. Here and there the earth itself shows through, as rich brown soil.
Above the queen red roses climb the edge and top of the card.
The queen leans over slightly, attending to the large pentacle she holds in her lap.
In the foreground is a rabbit. It appears not to be a pet but a wild thing there of it's own volition.
The Form of Manifestation
Reversed Meaning
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