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MetaMagick is an emerging new system of magic. Built on the foundation of Chaos magic it surpasses its parent in regarding Chaos Magic itself as much an arbitrary paradigm as those it attempts to subsume. Within MetaMagick there are many such over arching paradigms refered to as metaparadigms or metadigms. Certain eclectic forms of Kabbalism can be seen metadigms, as can Discordianism, Austin Osman Spare's original 'Kaos Magic', and many others. Metadigms attempt to capture the underlying magical reality behind ALL magical paradigms, however as this reality is not rationally representable no coherent metadigm can ever be complete. The more coherent and complex a metadigm becomes the more useful it becomes but the more imperfect its representation. Metadigms are indefinite in number. Beyond the metadigm is Absolute Chaos. MetaMagick can also be used to manipulate and shape metadigms in the same way Chaos Magic can be used to manipulate paradigms. Alternative terminologies used in MetaMagick include 'Masks' for paradigms and 'Cloaks' for metadigms, the underlying reality is ofen refered to as 'The Mystery' (terms partly derived from the writings of Nathaniel Harris). In many ways MetaMagick is what Chaos Magic was intended to be.

There is sometimes an overlap between MetaMagick and John Lilly's and Timothy Leary's concept of Meta-Programming.

Current writers on MetaMagick include Fenex (author of the essay 33 Axioms of MetaMagick) and Frater Kaotec. Related ideas are found in Anton Channing's Meta-Paradigms & The Mysteries, and articles on MetaMajery by Shae Matthews.