Experience:Time travel 17 times/raw

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For an abridged version of this adapted G Talk chatlog, see /log.


Timestamp User Message
11:22 PM John Hey
11:40 PM Me Hallo
11:40 PM Me Any successorz?
11:42 PM John Well , I've got something to tell.
11:42 PM John Something that'll fascinate you of most people/
11:42 PM John Because you're probably the one person on earth whom I know who won't take this as a fucking joke.
11:43 PM Me Lol
11:43 PM John So , umm are you free?
11:43 PM John This might take a while.
11:43 PM Me Yeah pretty free
11:44 PM John Ok
11:44 PM Me Nust listenin to some Portal music while drawing a bit
11:44 PM Me *Just
11:44 PM John Lol
11:44 PM John Hmm
11:44 PM John Ok
11:44 PM John So here's my first secret : My actual age is around 170
11:44 PM Me Huh?
11:45 PM Me Well if you're talking astral body age, it should be a lot more than that...
11:45 PM John I've tried to change my past 16 times
11:45 PM John No , mental age.
11:45 PM John You see , going back in time doesn't negate all the years that you've lived so far.
11:46 PM John Although you do forget 90% of your life that you went back in.
11:46 PM John Your understanding of life remains quite same.
11:46 PM Me You actually got your time travel thing to work as you wanted?
11:46 PM Me And backwards?
11:46 PM John Worse , I've been doing it since 170 years.
11:47 PM Me Why did you keep doing it lol
11:47 PM John You know , this really sucks in chat. I wish I could voice chat but I don't have my fucking headphones.
11:47 PM John Well anyway/.
11:47 PM John My life's fucked up.
11:47 PM Me But you're afraid of video/voice over the internet O_o
11:48 PM John Voice is still ok....
11:48 PM John Anyway
11:48 PM John Yesterday , I travelled back to when I was 15 and took an oath that I will never travel back in time again to change my past.
11:49 PM Me I'm confused
11:49 PM Me Wouldn't that mean you were future alt reality (?) you for the past year or so?
11:49 PM John Well Idk. I have no clue.
11:49 PM Me Time travel gets confusing when it's just perspective ._.
11:50 PM John Because when I travel , I forget everything upto the point in my life whence I travelled back to.
11:50 PM John The only things you remember is the reason why you came back , and a few other things that were very important to you.
11:50 PM John Thing is , I've gone back 17 times.
11:51 PM John And neither time did I remember how I travelled back.
11:51 PM John So each time I had to find how to travel again.
11:51 PM John And I do remember that my age is around 170.
11:52 PM John And a few other things from my 17 changed lives.
11:52 PM Me Well I guess it's a good thing you're remembering this now
11:52 PM Me Break the loop and all
11:52 PM John I don't.
11:52 PM Me But that sounds kind of hellish :/
11:53 PM John IT FUCKING IS.
11:53 PM John I still don't remember how I travelled before.
11:53 PM Me Well don't remember XD
11:53 PM John And anything else apart from a few detauils.
11:53 PM John But my life's screwed up.
11:53 PM Me If you do you'll try it again and make it 18
11:53 PM John Yes
11:54 PM John I'm not going to.
11:54 PM John But you don't get it.
11:54 PM John You can't play God man
11:55 PM John My life has been portrayed in similar aspects in hundreds of movies.
11:55 PM John There's only one problem.
11:55 PM John My life isn't a fucking movie.
11:56 PM John You know how in the movies , they go back to one point in the beginning of their lives and change that one detail and suddenly their lives are perfect again?
11:56 PM John That doesn't happen/
11:56 PM John The more you go back , the more you fuck things up.
11:56 PM John I woke up yesterday and saw that I was back in high school.
11:56 PM John It sucks.
11:57 PM Me Oh
11:57 PM Me So you were a college student/adult when you time travelled
11:57 PM John Yes
11:57 PM Me And this is the point you went back to each tim
11:57 PM Me *time
11:57 PM John Yes , I made sure that the mistake in my 16th time was avoided , but that was done by sacrificing a lot.
11:57 PM John Not each time , no.
11:57 PM John Just the 17th time.
11:57 PM John Which is right now.
11:58 PM Me You know I'll have to interview you like crazy later, right?
11:58 PM John I wouldn't mind.
11:58 PM Me This will undoubtably yield phenomenal insights in the mefhanics of time travel and parallel realities
11:58 PM John The more I keep repeating all the shit I've done , the better I might feel.
11:59 PM Me Is it uncontrollable, then?
11:59 PM John No.
11:59 PM John It's perfectly controllable.
12:00 AM John What I'm saying is that my life's so fucked up , that there's always this constant temptation of going back in time and changing things again and hope that htings get better.
12:00 AM John Only , things get worse.
12:00 AM John That's a law.
12:00 AM John I have some skin allergy now.
12:00 AM John And I swear I could comb my hair before.
12:01 AM John Not to mention what I had to sacrifice in order to get everything straight again/
12:01 AM John All I've managed to do is give myself temporary relief from all this shit.
12:02 AM John I wish it was easy to just forget things and move on.
12:02 AM John I'm a broken man.
12:02 AM John No , I'm not gonna suicide.
12:03 AM John But I couldn't care less that I was alive.
12:03 AM John So yeah , I guess it's good news for you.
12:03 AM John Time travel does indeed exist.
12:03 AM John If only I could tell you how.
12:04 AM Me I feel bad for exploiting the misery of another out of curiosity :/
12:04 AM Me I actually know a guy who has this theory that involves time quite a bit
12:04 AM Me Though I'm not sure how related it is to your situation, since his deals with physic travel
12:04 AM Me *physic
12:04 AM Me *physical
12:05 AM John Yes , there's another thing.
12:05 AM John The laws of time travel are different to each method.
12:05 AM John If you time travel , your experiences need not be similar to mine.
12:06 AM John Oh dear , I can feel the depression sinking in.
12:07 AM Me God damn it
12:07 AM Me From my perspective you just got over metaphysics related depression because of astral projection
12:08 AM Me Oh
12:08 AM Me Actually
12:08 AM John Well I never did AP after that failed attanept..
12:08 AM Me Huh?
12:08 AM Me You mean the one with the astral blindness?
12:09 AM John Yeah
12:09 AM Me That wasn't even failed S:/
12:09 AM Me I would sell my kidney to get that far
12:09 AM John Lol
12:09 AM Me But I've been looking into ways to access alternate realities via astral projection
12:10 AM Me Which woukd include the reality where your life is all fixed and you're 20 something
12:10 AM Me *would
12:10 AM John If that happens...
12:10 AM Me Though it probably leaves your body in the original reality comatose
12:10 AM John I would be indebted
12:11 AM John What does that mean?
12:11 AM Me Well, in theory it works by "teleporting" in the astral plane to the reality of choice, then entering your body there as if that was the body you were APing from
12:12 AM Me But I'm not entirely sure what that leaves the original body with, so I assume it goes into a permanent coma
12:12 AM John Woh...
12:12 AM John If you ever hear I'm in coma.....
12:13 AM John Lol
12:13 AM Me Theortically it also works with realities you're not even in by adding the extra condition that a perfectly formed body miraculously appears via quantum randomness
12:13 AM Me Lol
12:13 AM John Ah.
12:14 AM John Well that sounds interesting.
12:15 AM Me Ever wanted to visit Middle Earth? :P
12:15 AM John Lol , I see where you're getting to.
12:16 AM Me If only I could actually know if you go comatose - given I'm nowhere near APing, I can't know if it works for sure without someone else testing it
12:17 AM John Hmm
12:17 AM John Well , what if I AP into a reality where you figured out how to AP?
12:17 AM John Or something lol
12:17 AM Me It leaves a little to be desired that you leave everyone in the reality behind, but it would happen an infinite number of times over in an infinite number of ways regardless of what you do
12:17 AM Me Lol
12:17 AM Me Then you get the benefit of seeing me do it
12:17 AM Me But I'm in this reality
12:18 AM John I can't pull you into another reality?
12:18 AM Me Or thisthisthisthis reality, because popular schools of thought say we're traveling between alternate realities at a breakneck pace
12:18 AM John Oh yeah
12:18 AM Me Well
12:19 AM Me You could try pulling me out of my body, which I've been told is too dangerous or something, despite reports of it working
12:20 AM Me Not to mention AP is a personal skill anyway - as far as I can see, going to the reality where I achieve it gets me no closer
12:20 AM Me I'm kind of surprised no one has thought of this
12:20 AM Me It's simple, relatively easy, and gets amazinflg results if it works
12:20 AM Me *amazing
12:21 AM Me Of course, AP is only the preferable route..
12:21 AM Me Dying should work similarly
12:21 AM John No , I'm not suiciding.
12:21 AM Me Or the much more complicated case of demanifestation
12:21 AM John I'm quite firm on that.
12:22 AM Me Good choice
12:22 AM John Well , honestly , I've tried to AP every night after the time I did it once , but it never worked.
12:22 AM John Not even close.
12:23 AM Me That really sucks :/
12:23 AM Me Hm
12:23 AM John Yeah , it might be the fact that I want to AP
12:23 AM Me There are technological ways to induce AP
12:23 AM Me I'm not sure if you remember fox_mulder talking about the HDR
12:23 AM John I guess it's time I tried a few.
12:23 AM John Yeah
12:23 AM John And isotones.
12:24 AM Me The HDR supposedly does it very efficiently, and possibky permanently loosens you
12:24 AM Me *possibly
12:24 AM Me Only $300 >__>
12:25 AM John That's quite a bit to just test a theory.
12:25 AM Me It's essentially the Philadelphia experiment in a box with some fancy metaphysics to keep it from fucking with everything
12:25 AM Me Yeah
12:25 AM Me Hm
12:26 AM Me Another thing that fox claims works is the philosopher's stone, which is a lot easier to get
12:26 AM Me It raises psychic ability, and could probably make APing easier
12:27 AM Me And it can be made with some silver, orgone charged water, and an empty wine bottle as a distiller appararus
12:28 AM John Why can't there be any metaphysics experiments where you only need things which you can find lying around. :I
12:28 AM Me Lol
12:29 AM Me The wine bottle replacement also has the potential to fail...
12:29 AM Me Which means you need to get more water
12:30 AM Me You could also talk to chickie
12:30 AM John Fox was one a while ago
12:30 AM John *on
12:30 AM Me The psychic I met on IRC who is apparently psychically bonded to me in a way called "third flame"
12:31 AM Me I think she's going to help me AP through meditation training
12:32 AM John As long as you manage to do it.
12:33 AM John But...
12:33 AM John Isn't there like a supah quick and eezy way to time travel.
12:33 AM Me Lol
12:33 AM John I'm sure there is.
12:33 AM John I think that's how I've been doing it.
12:33 AM Me Repeat whatever you did for those finals x 9001?
12:34 AM John Lol
12:34 AM John But , I don't even know wtf I did.
12:34 AM John It just happened.
12:34 AM Me Ralph does it too, and by the sounds of it quite a bit more frequently
12:34 AM Me He might know the actual technique for it
12:35 AM Me I wonder if you could evoke Chronos or some other time god,) the way Hairy does
12:40 AM Me Unfortunately I'll need to go to bed pretty soon
12:41 AM Me Anything else?
12:41 AM John Umm
12:41 AM John There are people on that irc channel who can tell stuff about you right?
12:41 AM John Like how good your chakras are and stuff?
12:41 AM Me Yeah
12:42 AM Me Hairy seems to be the best at that, but there are a few others who can do that
12:42 AM John Such as?
12:42 AM Me I can't remember, I'm afraid
12:42 AM John Ok
12:42 AM Me You could just ask in the channel
12:42 AM John Also , any clue how they do it?
12:42 AM Me Not one lol
12:43 AM John Ok
12:43 AM Me Though tarot can technically read chakras
12:43 AM John Hmm
12:43 AM Me I've never tried the fold before, but we could give it a try
12:44 AM John Speaking of which , have you finished your tarot deck?
12:44 AM Me I think at this point it's been put on bold indefinitely
12:44 AM Me *hold
12:44 AM Me I might continue it when I get bored and remember it was even a thing I was trying
12:45 AM John Ok
12:45 AM John That's it.
12:45 AM John Night, I guess
12:45 AM Me Afternoon, I guess
12:45 AM Me :P


Timestamp User Message
12:45 AM Me Greetings and goodday
3:32 PM John Oh hello.
3:33 PM John For some reason , I don't feel much sleepy.
3:33 PM Me Weird
3:33 PM Me Just don't fall asleep in class :P
3:33 PM Me Well, yesterday I had a rather interesting idea that you may be interested in
3:33 PM John Go on.
3:34 PM Me It's a form of magick I'm calling paramancy
3:34 PM Me Or "pretending stuff happens by going to the reality where it does"
3:35 PM Me Which can be accomplished through very rigorous mental discipline and manipulating your beliefs about reality
3:35 PM John I'm not sure I understood your concept.
3:36 PM Me Essentially, you go to the reality where what you want to happen does happen
3:36 PM Me For instance, to time travel you might go to the reality that's "time shifted" by a few years relative to your reality
3:37 PM Me Or if you want to make an object appear, you can either go to the reality where it just so happens to be where you want it, or to the reality where extreme quantum improbability makes it appear
3:37 PM Me It's essentially the concept I explained to you about AP and alternate realities put in a form you can use physically
3:37 PM Me Though for obvious reasons it's still easier to AP and do it
3:38 PM John So... basically , APing into the reality that you want to go to , except you don't AP?
3:38 PM Me Yeah, kind of
3:39 PM Me It's based on what Bashar talks about, if you remember that
3:39 PM Me We're constantly moving to different realities based on what we believe, so manipulating what you believe means you can manipulate where you are
3:40 PM John If that was true.....
3:40 PM John Then you'd think Jesus actually turned up one day.
3:40 PM John Seeing the amount of blind faith in Chrisyians.
3:40 PM John *Christians
3:40 PM Me He hasn't turned up for you, has he?
3:40 PM Me It's all you, bro
3:40 PM John Nor has he turned up for anyone else.
3:40 PM John Oh....
3:41 PM Me How do you know?
3:41 PM John I see.
3:41 PM Me They could be in an entirely different reality
3:41 PM John Because it's MY reality?
3:41 PM John Where I don't believe?
3:41 PM Me Mhm
3:41 PM Me The people in it could be considered perceptual clones
3:42 PM Me Bashar might be a better source to understand this
3:42 PM Me If you want a link
3:43 PM John Not sure I can pay much attention to videos now.
3:43 PM John But if it helps , then I wouldn't mind/
3:45 PM Me I'm not sure if this video covers it
3:45 PM Me But it may
3:45 PM Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY8DsEIUqHU
3:45 PM John Oh yeah , I've seen this one.
3:54 PM Me So yeah
3:54 PM Me Shifting realities
3:55 PM Me And now I'm getting into some really mind boggling existentialism
Timestamp User Message
7:07 PM Me I've gone through existential hell today
7:07 PM John What happened? 0.o
7:07 PM Me I realized the implications of paramancy
7:07 PM Me It comes down to me being the only true perspective in all of existence, where the realities of others are an extension of myself
7:08 PM Me Because simply believing no one exists makes it so
7:08 PM John Yes , you will feel quite lonely.
7:08 PM John When the meaning of it dawns
7:09 PM John I wonder what effect that would have on your ego though.
7:09 PM John Would it crash because now you have no audience?
7:09 PM John Or would it inflate , seeing that you are the only true perspective of all existence.
7:10 PM Me Perhaps the former
7:10 PM Me I'm not much of an egoist
7:10 PM Me Though paramancy might change that a bit
7:10 PM John So , you are quite serious about trying this then?
7:10 PM Me Mhm
7:11 PM Me You might want to try it too
7:11 PM Me It'll make getting back a hell of a lot easier
7:11 PM Me You can even cheat by making yourself AP, which would require a lot less
7:12 PM Me And now that I think about it
7:12 PM Me "Having no audience" isn't really true
7:12 PM Me Unless I think it is
7:12 PM Me It doesn't matter if I create the audience
7:12 PM Me Because they're still there and still exhibit the traits I believe they have
7:13 PM John Ah , so you become like a God.
7:13 PM John A combination of both/
7:13 PM Me I guess
7:13 PM Me And whatever system I believe is real
7:13 PM Me IS real
7:13 PM Me So if I think I have an audience that is real, they are
7:16 PM Me Wanna try it?
7:17 PM John Sorry , had to brush my teeth.
7:17 PM John Well , I suppose it would be incredibly hard.
7:17 PM Me Lol
7:17 PM Me Been a while since your parents made you do that :P
7:17 PM John WHAT
7:17 PM Me Oh yes, it'll require quite a bit of discipline
7:18 PM John "Been a while since your parents made you do that"
7:18 PM John EXPLAIN
7:18 PM Me How old were you when you time traveled?
7:18 PM Me Like 28 or something?
7:18 PM Me You didn't live in their basement, did you? :I
7:18 PM John I don
7:18 PM John 't
7:18 PM John remember where I lived.
7:19 PM John And I think I was 20.
7:19 PM John So , that was your only reference to that statement?
7:19 PM Me Mhm
7:19 PM John Ok
7:19 PM Me Lol, what did you think I meant?
7:20 PM John Well just now , my mom said that she din't think I actually brushed my teeth properly so I had to do it while she watched.
7:20 PM Me S:I
7:20 PM John I thought you used psychic magikz and shit to find that out.
7:20 PM John Been a while since your parents made you do that
7:21 PM Me Lol
7:21 PM John God damn...
7:21 PM John So , anyway.
7:21 PM John Have you got any theories on approaching paramancy?
7:22 PM Me Basically trying to affect very small, probable things
7:22 PM Me So you actually think you can do it
7:22 PM Me And gradually building up
7:22 PM Me Which will simultaneously build confidence
7:22 PM John Small like what?
7:22 PM John "This coin that I will flip will either be heads or tails"
7:23 PM Me Kind of
7:24 PM Me Though that can get disheartening very quickly
7:24 PM Me I'm trying to ask someone who's already gotten a bit of this down
7:24 PM John Oh really?
7:24 PM John I thought this was your thoery?
7:24 PM Me He hasn't really applied it
7:25 PM Me He's just stubborn enough that reality bends pretty easily to his beliefs
7:25 PM John Lol XD
7:25 PM Me When he was paranoid about the Illuminati, suddenly everyone he knew wanted to be a freemason or knew one
7:25 PM Me As soon as he stopped
7:25 PM Me They stopped talking about it
7:26 PM John That must be fun.
7:26 PM John Reality : Ok mate.
7:26 PM Me Well
7:26 PM Me I don't think he's quite there yet
7:27 PM Me It's still subtle things
7:27 PM John Yeah
7:27 PM Me But I gave him the idea of paramancy
7:27 PM Me The extremely active, disciplined application of it
7:28 PM John Hmm
7:28 PM John There's only one problem.
7:28 PM John Disheartening events are more likely to occur than Encouraging ones,
7:29 PM John I mean , for people like us.
7:29 PM Me Think like that and it will
7:29 PM Me You simply have to ignore them
7:29 PM Me They're inconsequential
7:29 PM Me In fact
7:29 PM Me They didn't even happen
7:29 PM John Ok
7:29 PM John This whole paramancy thing btw...
7:30 PM John Won't your minmd understand that it's being fooled by itself.
7:30 PM Me Meta placebo~
7:30 PM Me It's this strange thought experiment I came up with
7:31 PM Me An educated person takes a sugar pill, knowing that it's made of sugar, and wants it to put him to sleep or something
7:31 PM Me But, knowing it's a placebo, and knowing that placebo's work, does it work for him?
7:31 PM Me The placebo itself becomes a placebo
7:31 PM John Yes lol
7:31 PM Me Same thing with this
7:31 PM John It's recursion
7:32 PM Me Once you're confident enough, you'll be so sure that it'll work that your subconscious mind will also know it'll work
7:32 PM John So you need to trick your mind to tricking your mind that this is not a trick.
7:32 PM John Even if this works , you'll be left quite gullible.
7:32 PM Me No, I'll be left antigullible
7:33 PM Me Because I'll so strongly and stubbornly support my own reality that I won't accept what others tell me unless I want it to be real
7:33 PM Me So I suppose it is gullibility, but gullible to myself
7:34 PM John Hmm
7:34 PM John Insurance against insurance.
7:34 PM John I think we are coming close to circular reasoning here.
7:35 PM Me Lol
7:35 PM John Ok , I got it.
7:36 PM John 2 things come into play here.
7:36 PM John Believing that everything is part of your belief of reality. And that you can change all of this anytime like some type of God.
7:36 PM John And the second thing is believing that the first thing is a true fact.
7:37 PM John Being slightly egoistic , I'll have no problem in achieving the first.
7:37 PM John It might take a while , but I'll get there eventually.
7:37 PM John The second part is I'm afraid , lot more difficult.
7:38 PM Me And that is the first lesson
7:38 PM Me Because the ability to change beliefs at the drop of a hat is a requirement
7:38 PM Me Even in the face of completely contradictory "evidence"
7:38 PM John Somehow , that just feels wrong.
7:39 PM John Like religion all over again.
7:39 PM Me It's an extreme, pure form of magick
7:39 PM Me Most magick just requires a belief in the process
7:40 PM Me Which may be slightly contradictory, but you can still say "Ok, that makes sense. Some black box in between makes it work"
7:41 PM John You know , I wouldn't mind trying all this , but I'm only afraid that if all this is wrong , then I might not be able to recover.
7:42 PM Me Well sure you could
7:42 PM Me By the time you realize it's "wrong," you'll be decent at changing beliefs
7:42 PM Me And suddenly nothing works
7:44 PM John This continuous belief against contradicting evidence , it may become a habit.
7:44 PM John Your ego might just explode.
7:44 PM Me Lol
7:44 PM Me I don't believe it will :P
7:44 PM John Circular reasoning.
7:45 PM John I might resort to it though , is AP doesn't work.
7:45 PM Me You know it can MAKE AP work, right?
7:45 PM John Speaking of which I still haven't gotten any close to it.
7:45 PM Me The only reason you can't AP is because you don't think you can
7:45 PM John Yeah , but paramancy is more dangerous than APing without it.
7:45 PM Me And as a discipline, paramancy makes you think you can
7:46 PM Me Dangerous smangerous
7:58 PM John Lol remember the time you once predicted exactly when I died in Call of Duty?
7:58 PM John That was psyched.
7:58 PM Me That was weird
7:59 PM Me But fun :3
7:59 PM Me Oh, and a fun thing about paramancy
7:59 PM Me The confidence it requires automagically activates latent psychic abilities
7:59 PM Me Because ordinarily they'd be suppressed by the belief that you can't do them
8:00 PM John Hmm , makes sense
8:01 PM Me Oh gosh
8:01 PM Me I forgot to ask dem questions about the future (~'o')~
8:01 PM John Mine?
8:02 PM Me Well you're from the future
8:02 PM Me And while you don't remember a lot of it, the stuff you do seem to know can still yield useful information
8:03 PM John All I know is that by the method I used , you can't fuck with your past except to make things worse.
8:04 PM Me Hm
8:04 PM Me Do you remember why you came back this time?
8:05 PM John Yes.
8:05 PM Me What was it? :3
8:06 PM John I came back to tell my old girlfriend how not to fuck up.
8:07 PM John Which would also mean simultaneously making sure that we never have any more feelings for each other.
8:07 PM John Basically , I know that any form of mutual relationship will cause her to die again.
8:07 PM John Some way or the other.
8:08 PM Me Oh my
8:08 PM Me How?
8:08 PM John Even if she doesn't die , something will screw up leaving me in complete misery.
8:09 PM John Well last time she died because she had an affair with Jason , who refused to take care of her child , so he kills the kid.
8:09 PM John And then kills her.
8:09 PM Me The fuq
8:09 PM John I remember being at the cremation.
8:09 PM Me So I guess that's what happens each and every time?
8:10 PM Me After the funeral, you long to go back to change it
8:10 PM John No , for everytime you change a detail , something else fucks up.
8:10 PM John And the only way to compensate for it all is by making a sacrifice.
8:10 PM John Which will hopefully put an end to this cycle.
8:11 PM Me What was the very first reason, then?
8:11 PM John Ah yes.
8:11 PM John My other girlfriend (the one I was crazy in love with and shit) , dies of cancer.
8:12 PM John That happens sometimes around Feb or March 2012
8:12 PM Me Then you missed it S:I
8:12 PM John No no , I already changed all that remember
8:12 PM Me Oh ok
8:12 PM John Anyway
8:12 PM Me How do you change someone dying of cancer, anyway?
8:12 PM John And then 5 years later when I'm 20 , I discover time travel.
8:13 PM John I'm getting to that
8:13 PM John So I get this nagging feeling that if I go back I can somehow change all of it.
8:13 PM John So I do go back and prevent a certain person from injecting w:carcinogen into her.
8:13 PM Me Wat >__>
8:13 PM John I don't remember who that person is.
8:14 PM John carcinogen
8:14 PM John I don't remember what sort of cancer it induced.
8:14 PM John Now how it was administered.
8:15 PM John But yeah , I avoided that.
8:15 PM John But she dies of an accident.
8:15 PM Me >__>
8:15 PM John So I try changing that again , and she dies again somehow.
8:15 PM John At this point I'm like L(OAOL)
8:16 PM Me Lol
8:16 PM John 7th time , in saving her , I kill her myself.
8:16 PM Me This actually correlates to things fox has told me about time travel
8:16 PM Me Certain events are essentially predestined because of energies
8:17 PM Me People who went to the alt reality where 9/11 didn't happen found that LA was nuked and 2 million died
8:17 PM John Well , I can attest for that :I
8:17 PM John Woh
8:17 PM Me What? You just killed her?
8:17 PM John No , umm
8:17 PM John The knife I threw , was supposed to kill the person who was going to kill her.
8:18 PM Me Wait what
8:18 PM John But my aim pretty much sucked.
8:18 PM Me Knife
8:18 PM Me Is this related to your obsession with throwing knives?
8:18 PM John It...
8:18 PM John Might....
8:18 PM John Be...
8:18 PM Me Lol
8:18 PM Me Well did you have it before?
8:18 PM John Not sure..
8:19 PM Me Damn
8:19 PM Me You could probably ask your guides
8:19 PM Me Or maybe check the akashic records
8:19 PM John akashic what?
8:19 PM Me It's like the memory of the universe in astral form
8:19 PM Me It records pretty much everything anyone does ever
8:20 PM Me And it can be accessed via AP
8:20 PM Me And probably some forms of meditation
8:20 PM John I see.
8:21 PM John So yeah , 8th time , I just tell myself "Fuck this shit , I'm gonna get over her"
8:21 PM John I go all the way back to 6th grade where I first spoke to her.
8:21 PM John And made sure that we din't speak
8:22 PM John And yeah , she din't die after that.
8:22 PM Me Lol
8:22 PM John And thus I realized about the sacrifice.
8:22 PM John It only sucks that she's alive today and she doesn't even know who I am.
8:25 PM Me 9th time was your ex?
8:26 PM John Well 9th time , I lived upto around 50
8:27 PM John But without love , my life felt very empty.
8:27 PM John I know right now it sounds extremely stupid , but I went back again.
8:28 PM John Went to different high school and college and hoped that maybe a different girlfriend would solve the problem.
8:29 PM John Apparently not.
8:29 PM Me Bah
8:29 PM John The details are a bit hazy here.
8:29 PM John But I think she died in a dorm building collapse.
8:29 PM John She was the only one or something.
8:29 PM John So I go back and change it.
8:30 PM John And around 300 poeple die instead in that collapse.
8:30 PM Me Wuh? How?
8:30 PM John Idk , but I think she was supposed to make sure that no one was at the building at that hour or something.
8:31 PM John And since I told her to gtfo of that building , she din't tell anyone else to get out , and they all died.
8:31 PM Me Well then
8:31 PM Me 11th time's the charm?
8:32 PM John The next time's the most interesting.
8:32 PM John I go back and change all stop her and all those people in dying.
8:32 PM Me Wait WHAT?
8:32 PM Me It actually worked? :O
8:32 PM John Buuuuuuutttt.
8:32 PM John I get crushed in the collapse instead.
8:33 PM John And guess what?
8:33 PM John I end up with no arms and legs.
8:33 PM Me Oh god...
8:33 PM John Yeah...
8:33 PM John I never suffered from limb loss before.
8:33 PM John I found the occassion quite humourus.
8:33 PM Me wat
8:34 PM John Except when I tried to kill myself , but I spilled the poison all over myself because I din't have arms.
8:34 PM John So I couldn't even fucking kill myself.
8:35 PM Me You used your mouth..?
8:35 PM John I don't remember.
8:35 PM John Honsetly.
8:35 PM John Nothing sucks more than trying to die but failing.
8:35 PM John Because that's a feeling you'll always remember.
8:35 PM John Not how you failed.
8:36 PM Me Hm
8:36 PM Me How'd you discover time travel that time?
8:36 PM John No clue.
8:36 PM John None at all.
8:37 PM John But apparently , I did find out.
8:38 PM John The next 5 more times , I was totally determined to cheat fate.
8:38 PM John You know those paranoid people who lock themselves up in a room and try to protect themselves in all kinds of ways possible?
8:39 PM Me :I
8:39 PM John That was me. Except shit kept happening.
8:39 PM John Until the 17th time I gave up and realized that shit will just get worse.
8:40 PM John And that I will never promise to go back again.
8:40 PM Me Well that's good
8:40 PM John Yup , I think I've fought for love enough.
8:40 PM John Now I'm just tired and I want a quiet life..
8:41 PM Me Hm
8:41 PM Me Maybe you shouldn't try paramancy S:/
8:42 PM John Lol XD
8:43 PM John Perhaps not.
8:44 PM Me Ok, new random question
8:44 PM Me When you go back to a younger body, do you maintain the same maturity, or does the new brain take over?
8:45 PM John You go back to being as mature as you were in that age.
8:45 PM John I've got emotional scars aging to about 170 years.
8:46 PM John But I can interpret them only from a 15 year old's perspectiv.
8:46 PM Me Well that sucks
8:46 PM Me Maybe when I finally start my paramancing adventures, I should die a few times here and there
8:46 PM Me Just to clear the mind of any junk
8:47 PM John Lol
8:47 PM Me I suppose it would happen eventually
8:47 PM Me And eventually I'd probably get bored and go back to reincarnating
8:47 PM John Hmm
8:49 PM John I have today off.
8:49 PM John No work/study.
8:49 PM Me What's the occasion?
8:50 PM John Well my Biology exam is on Monday
8:50 PM John And 2 days sound pretty good to finish everything.
8:50 PM John So I'll be starting tomorrow.
8:50 PM John And relax today.
8:50 PM Me Sounds good
8:50 PM Me Oh, speaking of which
8:51 PM Me Are you faster at learning all this stuff since you've done it so many times before?
8:51 PM John Time travel or psychic in general?
8:51 PM Me Well, everything really
8:51 PM Me Biology, math, psychic, etc
8:51 PM John Oh...
8:51 PM John No , not at all.
8:52 PM John Which is all the more why I emphasized on my ex how much it sucked to be at highschool again learning all this stuff.
8:53 PM John I mean , I don't remember learning it , so it's all pretty much new to me anyway. But the fact that you've done it anyway is dissapointing.
8:53 PM Me Lol
8:54 PM Me Wait
8:54 PM Me You told your ex about all this?
8:54 PM John For all I know , my 50 year old self could have accomplished formulating a life time of a mouth watering philsophies that I would only dream of writing about.
8:54 PM John And now , I'll have to do it all over again.
8:54 PM John And yes , I did.
8:55 PM John I think she believed it. But even if she din't , she din't tell it to me.
8:55 PM John All the same , I made her promise out straight not to go out with some ass like Jason.
8:56 PM Me Lol
8:56 PM John It sounded like the right thing to do.
8:56 PM Me How did they get together before?
8:57 PM John You know how girls these days have a knack of falling for these jerks with the upside down hat and bare chests with gold chains and stupid calf muscles poking out underneat their shorts?
8:57 PM John Yeah , that's Jason.
8:58 PM Me Upside down hat?
8:58 PM Me How does that even work?
8:58 PM John It was a metaphor.
8:58 PM John I'm not sure what headwear he used to wear.
8:58 PM Me Ok
8:59 PM Me >yfw she hooks up with him because you warned her not to
8:59 PM John Then I won't feel sorry for her when she dies.
8:59 PM John From the 17th time , my life is about ME
8:59 PM John Not her.
9:00 PM Me That's good
9:00 PM John Either way , nothing can hurt my conscience anymore.
(irrelevant personal tangent)
9:30 PM John I will be sleeping in a few minutes.
9:31 PM Me What?
9:31 PM Me But you have the day off Dx
9:32 PM John It's 10 in the morning and I haven't slept yet.
9:32 PM Me Ew
9:33 PM John Gute Nacht
9:33 PM Me Night