The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System.
The Sun in Roman Mythology
In Roman mythology, the Sun is personified as Apollo, son of Zeus and the Titaness Leto. His twin sister is Artemis the Moon, also known as the virgin huntress. In ancient Roman religions, Apollo was considered the god of prophecy, archery, and music.
Charles Leland's book "Aradia" describes the Sun as Lucifer. It explains that Lucifer was seduced by his sister, Diana the Moon, as she assumed the form of a black cat.
The Sun in Hermetic traditions
In Hermetic traditions, the Sun on the scale of unity is called "One King of stars, and the fountain of life." Both the Sun and the Moon are regarded as administrators ruling the Heavens, and all bodies within the firmament. The planetary intelligence of the Sun is Nachiel, and the spirit of the Sun is Sorath. The talisman of the Sun is purported to give the status of being famous, acceptable, and powerful in all the individual's works. He is given leadership, and increase in good fortune. The negative affects of the Sun are tyranny, ambitiousness, insatiable appetite, and pride.
The Sun in Neopagan Witchcraft
In neopagan Witchcraft, the Sun represents achievement, enlightenment, leadership and good fortune. The Sun's associated element is Fire, governs the realm of active energies, and the God aspect of the dual deity God/dess.
The Sun in Tarot
See The Sun.
The Sun in Astrology
In Astrology, the Sun governs your personal birth sign dependent upon the day and month you were born. The "Sun sign" in astrology designates a broad picture of the individual's personality, general character, and behavior.
A solar symbol is a symbol which symbolises the sun.
Solar symbols are very important in Psychoanalysis, Symbolism, Religion and Mysticism.
Some solar symbols include:
Astronomical symbol

The astronomical symbol for the sun (⊙) is an ancient solar symbol featuring a circle with its center marked with a dot.
It can symbolise:
- The sun / Ra (Egyptian)
- The sun in astrology.
- The sun in an early Chinese script. Now it has become square: 日 (ri).
(See Circle with a point at its centre for non-solar meanings.)
More Information
For more information on this symbol see the Description.
Swastika is a very important solar symbol.
- It has several mystical symbolisms. There are "positive" and "negative" swastikas.
- Used by Nazi.
More Information
For more information on Swastika, see Swastika and:
- [1];
- [2];
- [3] (the most commonly used);
- [4] (a Greek variation);
- [5] (another Greek variation);
- [6] (a viking variation);
- [7]
- [8] Hitler's emblem;
- [9] a Celtic one;
- [10].
Information Sources:
- The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology, Arthur Cotterell and Rachel Storm
- The Magus, Sir Frances Barrett
- The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need, Joanna Martine Woolfolk
- The Wicca Handbook, Eileen Holland