Wicca is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion which is typically duotheistic: a god and goddess traditionally viewed as a mother goddess and a horned god. These two deities are generally viewed as facets of a greater pantheistic godhead. Although many Wiccan believe in no central authority figure as most divide it into multiple lineages or traditions, many Wiccan beliefs range from hard polytheism to even monotheism. The Wiccan celebration consists of eight seasonally based festivals or Sabbats. A large portion of Wicca is believed to be ritual magic, but many Wiccans believe that it is not necessary.

Many Wiccans believe in magic, a manipulative force exercised through the practice of witchcraft or sorcery. Many Wiccans perform magic through the use of rituals. There are two separate types of magic within the Wiccan belief; white magic and black magic. Most Wiccan rituals are practiced within a purified magic circle. It's believed that casting this circle may invoke the Guardians as well as their cardinal points and respective elements: air, fire, water, and earth. These rites often use an athame, a wand, a pentacle, and a chalice. Many Wiccans often perform pre-ritual traditions, such as fasting or bathing. After the rituals, the God, Goddess, and Guardians are thanked, the circle closed, and directions dismissed.
White Magic
Wiccans believe in white magic, the "better" of the two main magics. White magic mainly focuses on doing good things and promotes healing, fertility, and to banish negative influences. White magic is also associated with the right hand path, as it's performed with good intention.
Black Magic
Wiccans also believe in black magic, magic used for malevolent or selfish purposes. Black magic is also associated with the left hand path.