Theurgy is a magical system where the magician unifies their will with God's will and use the God's energies.
It is generally regarded to be a dangerous technique which should be used only by experts. This article is a stub. You can help by expanding it In classic thought the human being is made of three basic components, the body (including the emotions and long term memory), The mind (including the right and left brains and the short term memory), The soul (the true spiritual essence of the self, immortal and perhaps an infant diety). Theurgy is the practice of cerimonial Magic for the express purpose of 'linking' or 'enmeshing' the Human Soul (infant god) into The greater Macrocomic pattern of a God or Goddess. The rites of theurgy surround the supplicant with images, smells and objects of the god being courted and this absolute immersion into the Spiritual Archytpe causes the magician to become an emulation of the power.