Norse pantheon

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Information about the Norse Pantheon comes from a range of historical sources. Some confusion occurs because of the use of the storylines in the famous series of operas by Wagner, The Ring Cycle. Wagner's own interpretation of the story means that some important characters' names have been changed, and some have been missed out altogether.

The most detailed sources of Norse mythology are the Prose Edda and the Poetic Edda. These were written in Iceland in the Thirteenth century by Snorri Sturluson.

The following are deities from the Aesir and Vanir.

Aegir, Ali, Annar, Aud, Baldur, Bjort, Bleik, Blid, Bragi, Buri, Burr, Bil, Dag, Dellinger, Eira, Erce, Erda, Fenris, Fjorgyn, Forseti, Frey, Freyja, Frigga, Frith, Fulla, Gefion, Gersemi, Glenr, Gna, Heidmall, Hel, Helgi, Hermod, Hler, Hlin, Hnoss, Hoder, Hoenir, Honir, Idun, Ing, Irpa, Kari, Kvasir, Lodur, Lofn, Loki, Magni, Mimir, Modi, Naglafari, Nanna, Narvi, Nerthus, Night, Njord, The Norns, Nott, Od, Odin, Ostara, Ran, Rind, Saga, Sataere, Sif, Sigi, Sigurd, Sigyn, Skadi, Skaldi, Skirnir, Sjofn, Snotra, Sol, Sumar, Svasid, Syn, Thor, Tyr, Ullr, Vali, The Valkyries, Vara, Vasud, Ve, Vidar, Vili, Vindsval, Vjofn, Vor, Winter, Wyrd