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A Discordian is being of Discordianism, of course.

It's also an adjective, like Discordian rant, or discordian humour.

Well, vaguely.

Eris doesn't really care if you believe in her or not, you see, so long as you make an interesting show of it.

I mean, I've been a Discordian for years and she's never smited me for not believing in her, though she occasionally smiles and offers me a hot dog... Faething 18:13, 2 Oct 2003 (BST)

Chaos and Order

Discodianism is about the balance between chaos and order. It is also about in-jokes, but they get very dull very quickly. It's a widely known opinion among young discordians that the best way to get chaos is to be chaotic. This is wrong. Sure it's the quickest way, but it ain't the best.

Order breeds chaos. Chaos breeds order. These are basic discordian concepts.

People find the systems in chaos. They learn simple rules and methodologies to deal with it. Things as amzingly complex as catching a ball (do you know how many factors are involved?) we can do easily.

Now create some order, or rules... A beaurocracy is nothing but order, yet creates chaos on all sides.

The internet is, at it's core made up of some really simple rules:

1 = 1 
0 = 0
not 1 = 0
not 0 = 1
0 and 0 = 0
0 and 1 = 0
1 and 0 = 0
1 and 1 = 1
0 or 0 = 0
0 or 1 = 1
1 or 0 = 1
1 or 1 = 1

That's pretty much it. However the internet tends to be quite chaotic.

E=MC2 is a real simple formula. yet it makes for some real interesting stuff in the world.

Evolution: simple rules, infinite variety.

So make some rules, and watch the unexpected chaotic beauty which forms from them.

Now go and learn about "Emergent Behavour"

"There is a crack, a crack in everything - it's how the light gets in" - Leonard Cohen.