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Not wearing any clothes, for ritual reasons rather than any other mundane reason. Generally the term is used by wiccans and other pagans.

The term "skyclad" can also be found in Jainism, and is therefore likely where we got it from. The two main sects of Jainism are the "whiteclad", who are the mainstream Jainists, and the "skyclad", who are the more severe practitioners.

While being skyclad during ritual is a fairly common thing for solitaire or coven workings, very few traditions actually require it. At least in America, being dressed is probably the norm. Rarely do you see people naked at a public event, unless it's a clothes-optional gathering and they just felt like being naked. Skyclad is usually reserved for coven-only work, since there is a high level of trust going on there. And again, it's probably more common here to be dressed than not. In my own tradition, nudity is only required for rites of passage for coven members, and it's enforced for everyone, not just one person.

In general, new Wiccans get over the naked thing quite quickly once they've been around it a while and learn to see it as more natural and less sexual. Being able to be naked, should one so choose, and being free of worry about come-ons, unwanted attention, or attacks, is very liberating. But nudity is not commonly enforced, as one's sense of safety, trust and openness is paramount at all times, no matter the occasion.