Ritual:Nightclub Grounding Ritual

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In a wood, alone at dawn it's easy to ground yourself, find your centre, relax into who you really are. However, that ain't when you need it. Being able to ground yourself in the chaos of a nightclub is far more useful. This can be done by identifying and drawing from the representations of the classic four elements currently around you.


Take a fraction of a second to iterate through them, mentally naming and respecting them, a little like a Catholic crossing themselves, but being aware of the intent, not on autopilot. I make myself aware of each in turn and then all four together, find that moments stillness, then return to what I was doing.

For those who are unsure of the elements, here's a reminder. If you don't agree with the keywords, use your own. The whole point is that it has to feel right to you. And nobody else will know anyway, so don't worry too much.

Fire: Wands (some say Swords), South, Spiritual, Generative, Spiritual Male, Male genitalia

Water: Cups, West, Emotional, Formative, Spiritual, Female, Female genitalia

Air: Swords (some say Wands), East, Mental, Originative, Practical Male

Earth: Pentacles / Discs / Coins North, Physical, Expressive, Practical Female

Examples & Exercises

Example One

Sitting in a pub, chatting with a friend or friends, smoking and drinking. Getting tense about a situation nearby, or likely to happen later.

Fire: The cigarette you're smoking. If not you then somebody nearby, or at least a lighter.

Water: The beer you're drinking right now.

Air: The converation you're having. Minds in action. (dosen't work if you have boring friends, but luckily I don't)

Earth: Your wallet. Your resources for this evening. And credit cards for emergencies.

Centre: All your immediate needs are at hand. You don't have to worry. You have the resources to handle what is coming.

Try it right now. What around you right now best represents the elements. Itemize them, get a feel for being aware of them in your everyday environment.

Example Two

On the dancefloor. Having a good time but freaking out a bit 'cus it's so hectic. Need to chill, but not lose the beat.

Fire: The music. Created from passion, not reason. Pumping into you and everybody around you.

Water: The dance. Taking the music and transforming it. All the dancers doing something different, yet all in it together, like drops of water.

Air: The lights, an ordered pattern, timed by machines, beaming through the air. Yet still enhancing and not detracting from the experience.

Earth: The dancefloor, the walls, the structure of the place you're in, solid. Stable, but vibrating to the music, supporting the dancers and reflecting the lights.

Centre: You at the center of all this, having a good time. Using these elements to enjoy the night. The chap over there. ALSO at the center, using these elements to have a good time. EVERYBODY on the floor there own center.

Some time you are out and feeling stressed, losing focus or just feel like it, run through the elements, finding each one around you. See if it helps you pull it together. If so neat. If not then fuck it, try something else next time. If it works, get it in the next edition of this work.


This is a very simple concept which works well for me. Possibly just due to the fact of running my brain through 5 little confortable hoops, possibly it helps me understand the nature of my environment better.

There are many warnings about attempting magick while under the influence or in crowds, but this is pretty safe as it's not trying to change the world, just return the self to some kind of baseline. I've not tried, but it would probably also work as a very quick and flimsy psychic defence. One that can be pulled up quickly, giving you time to get away from someone or get out a heavier class of defence. Should you believe in such things.