Paul Foster Case

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Paul Foster Case was born in New York. His father was a librarian which fueled his thirst for knowledge.

At the age of seven, Case began corresponding with author Rudyard Kipling, who verified the "fourth-dimensional" experiences Case was having as being not merely imaginary. It was at this age that Case started to become proficient at lucid dreaming.

While in New York, Case met Michael Whitty, the Praemonstrator of the Thoth-Hermes Temple of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Whitty heard of Case's extensive knowledge of the Western mystery tradition and, having read some of his works, invited Case to join the Order. Case accepted the offer, and moved through the Outer Grades very quickly.

He was initiated into the Second Order in May of 1920, with the magical motto, Perseverantia. Three weeks later, he was the Third Adept in the annual Corpus Christi ceremony.

Case was soon known as the most knowledgeable occultist in the temple, and succeeded Michael Whitty as Praemonstrator within a year of his acceptance into the Second Order.

Jealously soon turned many against Case, and he was promptly expelled from the Order.

After his expulsion, Case pursued the creation of his own occult school, the School of Ageless Wisdom. This organization failed within a few years. He soon moved to Los Angeles, abandoning his career as a musician, and established the Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A.).

Paul Case died while vacationing in Mexico. He left behind a great deal of writings on Tarot and Kabbalah.

Despite his lofty attainments in magick, Case had much difficulty with Enochian magic. Ultimately, he concluded that Enochiana was demonic rather than angelic in nature. His B.O.T.A. order excludes Enochian from its curriculum. They don't even mention it.