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This template provides advanced gallery building functionality (fine-tuned formatting control). For creating generic galleries, use the Gallery tag.

This template displays a gallery of images in an array, left-to-right in rows. Global parameters |width= and |height= control the size of all images in the gallery. The number of images per row is based upon the image width parameters and the width of the screen. The number of images per row can change when the user resizes the window.

For style guidelines about where galleries are appropriate, see Wikipedia:Image use policy § Image galleries.

Blank syntax

| title        = 
| align        =
| footer       =
| style        =
| state        =
| height       =
| width        =
| captionstyle =
| File:
 | Write a caption here
 | alt1=
| File:
 | Write a caption here
 | alt2=
| File:
 | Write a caption here
 | alt3=
| File:
 | Write a caption here
 | alt4=
| File:
 | Write a caption here
 | alt5=


For each image

Specify a line of the following form for each image.

|File:Filename |Caption |altn=alternative text

Note that the file name and the caption do not need parameter names, but each alt text parameter must be preceded by |altn=.


|File:Filename – the image's file name. Either File: or Image: prefix may be used
|Caption – the caption under the image; see Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Captions
|altn=alt attribute: |alt1= for the first image, |alt2= for the second image, etc
alternative text – the alternative text for the image, used by visually impaired or other readers who cannot see the image clearly. If omitted, the image's alt text will be blank.

Optional parameters

These parameters apply to the entire gallery:

|title= – The gallery's title
|align= – The alignment of the gallery on the page, left (default), center, or right; ignored when |state= is set
|footer= – Small, right-aligned text below the images
|style=CSS style directives for the whole gallery (see Help:Cascading Style Sheets)
|state= – Sets the default state of collapsible galleries; use |state=expanded or |state=collapsed; collapsible galleries occupy the full page width
|mode= – Sets the mode used by the inner gallery tag. Common values include |mode=packed and |mode=nolines (see Help:Gallery tag for more options)

These parameters apply to all of the images in the gallery:

|noborder= – Cancel the border surrounding the images, use |noborder=yes to set.
|whitebg= – Cancel the white background after the images, use |whitebg=no to set.
|height= – Maximum height of each image. If this parameter is not included, |height= defaults to 180 pixels. Use a simple number here, e.g., 200, without a units designation, e.g., 200px.
|width= – Maximum width of each image, default is 180 pixels. Use a number here, e.g., 150, without units, e.g., 150px.
|captionstyle=CSS style directives for the captions (see Help:Cascading Style Sheets)

The image's original ratio of width to height cannot be modified by |width= or |height= – a rectangular image will not be made square if |width= and |height= are set to the same value.



<templatestyles src="Module:Gallery/styles.css"></templatestyles>


<templatestyles src="Module:Gallery/styles.css"></templatestyles> <templatestyles src="Module:Gallery/styles.css"></templatestyles>


<templatedata> { "params": { "title": { "label": "title", "description": "Title for the overall gallery", "example": "Pictures of chickens", "type": "string", "suggested": true }, "align": { "label": "align", "description": "Alignment of the gallery on the page; possible values include left, right, and center", "example": "center", "type": "string", "default": "left", "suggestedvalues": [ "left", "center",


] }, "footer": { "label": "footer", "description": "Creates a footer which will appear in the lower right corner of the overall gallery, in small font, of whatever text the editor placing it wishes to put there", "example": "Early works", "type": "string" }, "style": { "label": "style", "description": "This parameter allows an editor to utilize Cascading Style Sheet code" }, "captionstyle": { "label": "captionstyle", "description": "This parameter allows an editor to utilize Cascading Style Sheet code for caption" }, "state": { "label": "state", "description": "This parameter allows the editor to determine whether or not the gallery will initially appear as either expanded or collapsed for readers", "example": "collapsed", "type": "string", "default": "expanded", "suggestedvalues": [ "expanded",


] }, "height": { "label": "height", "description": "determines the maximum height for any image within the gallery", "example": "100", "type": "string", "default": "180" }, "width": { "label": "width", "description": "Analogous to height parameter; sets maximum width for any image in the gallery", "example": "120", "type": "string", "default": "180" }, "mode": { "label": "mode", "description": "Sets the mode used by the inner gallery tag, see Help:Gallery tag for more options", "type": "string", "default": "traditional", "suggestedvalues": [ "traditional", "nolines", "packed", "packed-overlay", "packed-hover",


] }, "noborder": { "label": "noborder", "description": "Cancel the border surrounding the images", "example": "yes", "type": "string", "default": "no" }, "whitebg": { "label": "whitebg", "description": "Used to disable the white background in the inner gallery tag", "example": "no", "type": "string", "default": "yes" } }, "description": "Place this template on an article or user page to create a gallery of images on that page along with captions. Anyone may place this template." } </templatedata>

Tracking categories

See also

Template:Sandbox other

-- This module implements {{gallery}}

local p = {}

local templatestyles = 'Module:Gallery/styles.css'
local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')

local function trim(s)
	return mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(s, '%s', ' '), '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1')

local tracking, preview

local function checkarg(k,v)
	if k and type(k) == 'string' then
		if k == 'align' or k == 'state' or k == 'style' or k == 'title' or
			k == 'width' or k == 'height' or k == 'lines' or k == 'whitebg' or
			k == 'mode' or k == 'footer' or k == 'perrow' or k == 'noborder' or
			k:match('^alt%d+$') or k:match('^%d+$') then
			-- valid
		elseif k == 'captionstyle' then
			if not v:match('^text%-align%s*:%s*center[;%s]*$') then
				table.insert(tracking, '[[Category:Pages using gallery with the captionstyle parameter]]')
			-- invalid
			local vlen = mw.ustring.len(k)
			k = mw.ustring.sub(k, 1, (vlen < 25) and vlen or 25) 
			k = mw.ustring.gsub(k, '[^%w\-_ ]', '?')
			table.insert(tracking, '[[Category:Pages using gallery with unknown parameters|' .. k .. ']]')
			table.insert(preview, '"' .. k .. '"')

	-- If called via #invoke, use the args passed into the invoking template.
	-- Otherwise, for testing purposes, assume args are being passed directly in.
	local origArgs = (type(frame.getParent) == 'function') and frame:getParent().args or frame
    -- ParserFunctions considers the empty string to be false, so to preserve the previous 
    -- behavior of {{gallery}}, change any empty arguments to nil, so Lua will consider
    -- them false too.
    local args = {}
    tracking, preview = {}, {}
    for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do
    	if v ~= '' then
    		args[k] = v
	if (args.mode or '') == 'packed' and (args.align or '') == '' then
		args.align = 'center'

	local tbl = mw.html.create('div')
	if args.state then
	if then
	if args.align then
		tbl:addClass('mod-gallery-' .. args.align:lower())

	if args.title then
	local gargs = {}
	gargs['class'] = 'nochecker' .. (args.noborder and '' or ' bordered-images')
	gargs['widths'] = tonumber(args.width) or 180
	gargs['heights'] = tonumber(args.height) or 180
	gargs['style'] = args.captionstyle
	gargs['perrow'] = args.perrow
	gargs['mode'] = args.mode
	if yesno(args.whitebg or 'yes') then
		gargs['class'] = gargs['class'] .. ' whitebg'
	local gallery = {}
	local imageCount = math.ceil(#args / 2)

    for i = 1, imageCount do
		local img = trim(args[i*2 - 1] or '')
		local caption = trim(args[i*2] or '')
		local alt = trim(args['alt' .. i] or '')
		if img ~= '' then
			table.insert(gallery, img .. (alt ~= '' and ('|alt=' .. alt) or '') .. '|' .. caption )
				frame:extensionTag{ name = 'gallery', content = '\n' .. table.concat(gallery,'\n'), args = gargs}
	if args.footer then

	local trackstr = (#tracking > 0) and table.concat(tracking, '') or ''
	if #preview > 0 then
		trackstr = require('Module:If preview')._warning({
			'Unknown parameters ' .. table.concat(preview, '; ') .. '.'
		}) .. trackstr
	return frame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = templatestyles} } .. tostring(tbl) .. trackstr

return p