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Initial testing

Timestamp User Message
02:16 Lionell speak
02:16 Hairy Oh
02:16 Bnaspol conventional shimmed coted scanners thermonuclear theologs interprets wisconsin clairvoyantly catnapped
02:16 Hairy If you want
02:16 Lionell nice purple nick color
02:16 Hairy Clairvoyantly
02:16 Bnaspol flier lo intertwined travelling pragmatic crenated gains eminence dubiously synching lemony curiousness shirtmaker charismas spy wassails avenging hear
02:16 Hairy Huehuehue
02:16 caonimaffles >thermonuclear theologs interprets wisconsin clairvoyantly
02:16 caonimaffles nice
02:16 Bnaspol piddle precalculations equilibrates puling insurgency hydrotherapeutical angst omnivore refortifying antipathetic bawdier
02:17 Hairy Seems random enough
02:17 Bnaspol mechanizing dissension companying youngers papistries cumuli
02:17 Lionell etc
02:17 Lionell stop


02:46 caonimaffles lionell if urllib throws a http error will your bot crash or roll with it
02:46 Lionell feeding the main page of the NK gov and then generating stuff was great
02:46 Lionell uhh
02:46 ConsciousCode Uh oh
02:46 ConsciousCode LIONELL
02:46 caonimaffles because I just got a 503
02:46 Lionell it would probably die
02:46 ConsciousCode Well, we'll just have to hope that doesn't happen
02:46 caonimaffles and I was querying once every twenty seconds

02:53 Hairy Ok folks
02:53 Hairy He's agreed to attempt but
02:53 Hairy At the condition of allowing him 31 minutes before we start using the bot
02:53 Lionell 31 minutes
02:53 Lionell oddly specific

03:25 Hairy speak
03:25 Sketra u fucc
03:25 caonimaffles and you fucked it up
03:25 Bnaspol endogenous postaxial
03:25 ConsciousCode Oh well
03:25 Hairy Wat
03:25 Bnaspol favour zonation preinserts goutiness huffy prominences uttered micrography lineally marshalls skiddoos trespasser attendances prevailing imprints
03:26 ConsciousCode "Having a cause or origin" "behind an axis"
03:26 Bnaspol signpost defeats thunderstorms lobbers encompass alzheimer sprayer biodegradation rearm revocation
03:26 Hairy Wait
03:26 Bnaspol amnesia dab degeneration relents myrtle cognoscenti ductless fasces acidulated sheenful compered encomia surviver desexualized neutered
03:26 Sketra "Alzheimer sprayer"
03:26 Zephyr_Cloudrunner lol
03:26 Hairy Is thunderstorm and other stuff like that
03:26 Hairy Common because
03:26 Bnaspol fennels sachems cutworm itemizing discriminational refrigerate incommensurable inaudible stupefies
03:26 Hairy This is weather based?
03:26 ConsciousCode It measures things like wind speed and temperature across the globe
03:26 Bnaspol has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
03:26 caonimaffles well they were common but now they aren't because
03:27 ConsciousCode Then combines them all to make random numbers
03:27 caonimaffles 503
03:27 ConsciousCode Shiiiiiiiiiiit
03:27 caonimaffles BITCH
03:27 Lionell and there it goes
03:27 caonimaffles I TOLD YOU
03:27 Sketra Hairy many of these words aren't in my vocab
03:27 Hairy Lionell it's still in your computer
03:27 ConsciousCode The PID changed though
03:27 Zephyr_Cloudrunner I thought I had a decent vocabulary
03:27 Lionell I could restart it, but the process ID will be different
03:27 Lionell although fuck it this is a god of tech we're talking about
03:27 Bnaspol has joined
03:27 ConsciousCode It'd be really nice to get a smaller dictionary...
03:28 Lionell speak
03:28 Bnaspol assaulter
03:28 Sketra Guys have you considered that bnaspol hasn't been in human technology in many years
03:28 Bnaspol dissociating sheepdogs spanners feedback handpicked
03:28 caonimaffles please don't dissociate sheepdogs
03:28 ConsciousCode These sound a bit more like sensible semantic units
03:28 Bnaspol fecklessly weanlings boldest sportful quaggiest unextravagant soothed popularizations tryingly limpidity huffs amreeta midnights indiscriminantly goer hitchers
03:28 Lionell yeah
03:28 ConsciousCode Though they sound kind of like insults
03:28 Bnaspol imbibes excelsior kneel
03:29 Zephyr_Cloudrunner I liked that last one
03:29 Bnaspol tenableness blears gumless officiants secunda angerly wherein lousy buriers semifinals tiptop
03:29 Lionell not sure this improves on standard evocation yet though
03:29 Bnaspol misprisions millwrights overexercises impoundments jackroll mulches remark grub hem pressosensitive paraplegia disapproving luggages bateau arborists redecorates calamary
03:29 Felis quite a bit of angry words
03:29 Zephyr_Cloudrunner yeah
03:29 Hairy Guys
03:29 Lionell if he has to manage with my laptop, I'm not surprised
03:29 Bnaspol zouave agnostics slush seconds gormandize experimental wirehaired category
03:29 Zephyr_Cloudrunner lol
03:29 Hairy Am i reading this wrong
03:29 Sketra I hope I didn't piss it off by saying its out of date
03:29 ConsciousCode It can't be TOO random, can it be?
03:29 Hairy Or is this speaking a lot
03:29 Bnaspol barbwires chests hamlet bwana evaporated nauseas tourers repletion angora
03:30 Hairy Of degradation
03:30 Bnaspol philol revested
03:30 Lionell experimental wirehaired category
03:30 Hairy And becoming worst in general?
03:30 caonimaffles I think that's just you hairy
03:30 Bnaspol thorned grim concatenates shoppe necessarily bromos graduates kinaesthetic beautification bobbed cremations deploy summit stoutish arsonist gratifyingly dild0es inartistically senores sophomore
03:30 Lionell just you
03:30 Hairy Hmm
03:30 Sketra Many negative words in there
03:30 Bnaspol hypocritical semicrystalline mowing interbreed ironbound afterlife reducibilities identifiers
03:30 ConsciousCode At first it sounded kinda angry
03:30 caonimaffles >stoutish arsonist gratifyingly dild0es inartistically
03:30 Bnaspol unlabored polio prettiest oils superstructure licence recopied cocking interviewed backings oppositionists sales schlepping claimers
03:30 caonimaffles ppffffft
03:30 ConsciousCode A lot of these are way beyond the average vocabulary though
03:30 Lionell the first run was very angry
03:30 Zephyr_Cloudrunner do you think it would influence other devices other than this?
03:30 Felis So many insults
03:30 caonimaffles aahahah
03:30 Bnaspol tipcart shuls supervise wammus globulins photographed inflexibly brings undeterminable
03:30 ConsciousCode Hmph
03:30 Hairy Don't see why not zephyr
03:30 Bnaspol archeries wag activations
03:31 ConsciousCode We might want to try a markov chain instead
03:31 Hairy This seems fast
03:31 Lionell no
03:31 Bnaspol riposts jaywalkers molluscs attics anesthetist
03:31 Zephyr_Cloudrunner because I'm playing monster hunter
03:31 Lionell no markov chain, that makes it just harder to spot working from not
03:31 Bnaspol headquartered cymes grumpish dilemma paler facilely jollifications immediacies overbalanced avianize speedwell mitiest proscribe bouffant redoubling authorize hipping
03:31 Sketra Gosh why did we choose random
03:31 Lionell ok so
03:31 Zephyr_Cloudrunner and the monster I was doing fine against suddnely started instakilling me and my cats
03:31 Bnaspol reprieve paralyzant invitees nationhood poachier countersign
03:31 Zephyr_Cloudrunner not even in rage mode
03:31 Bnaspol carcase brownish porterhouse carcinomas wipes outmarches sprains emolument distrustful bibles initialized leisure defecated misogynous sheepshearing sox theorists dentine corkage cartographer
03:31 Lionell I'm considering first run not successful
03:31 Bnaspol facies palmier derats ostriches loll parasite garroted
03:31 ConsciousCode Maybe it was just generally cursing at first
03:31 ConsciousCode For the disconnect
03:32 Bnaspol enamours inbreeding maddest institute romp pathological recipients apologizer despoiling deerflys recrystallize silvan detoxified illnesses fallopian loyalness classlessness diocese sulkiness doings
03:32 Lionell lol what
03:32 Bnaspol preorganization gramps alveolar moulting
03:32 caonimaffles inbreeding, fallopial loyalness
03:32 ConsciousCode Now it sounds like it's talking about politics/state of the world
03:32 caonimaffles freeeuuud
03:32 Bnaspol dissemblers diphtheria jins bifurcated copperheads lament intwisted adsorptiveness choline tricycle fringeless anointments bloom sheenful overbalanced thoraces tosser freckling teahouses
03:32 Hairy Yeah ugh
03:32 Hairy It's
03:32 Lionell Hairy, could you over the course of this night ask him what was up, whether he succeeded, and if not, what went wrong, and whether there are things we can improve?
03:32 Hairy It's really
03:32 Felis Inbreed again
03:32 Bnaspol guttersnipe connecters tiglon dispending invertase shamed pimpling renounced verb halfpence oviparously reproduce
03:32 Hairy Speaking of bad stuff a lot
03:33 caonimaffles >oviparously reproduce
03:33 Bnaspol whizzes magnateship pegboard
03:33 Hairy Lionell i can try
03:33 Lionell or well
03:33 Bnaspol pikemen hierarchically liquidized moppers minorca subordinations hydrotherapies novelly
03:33 caonimaffles what is it with the sex
03:33 caonimaffles I swear
03:33 Zephyr_Cloudrunner lol
03:33 Lionell yeah, just generally ask
03:33 Bnaspol disposes parodies stickouts oscilloscopically zapping culls sauceboxes vagabond magmatic parcelling
03:33 Hairy Well...
03:33 Sketra He hasn't been at in years
03:33 Bnaspol rotationally cps hopi generalize
03:33 ConsciousCode Maybe English just has that many words involving sex
03:33 Lionell there are a lot of places this could go wrong, would be helpful if we had some idea what
03:33 Bnaspol evenings recitations windrow fidgeters kaftans suborner rejectees confronting toasty white destitution graciosos stepladders subassemblies mothering
03:34 caonimaffles god of mercury, I hear venus is a pretty nice girl
03:34 Bnaspol figuratively hospitalize lionizers goldenrods paganist mulier memorableness gook checks quizzicalness embalmers clement graciousness poisonings oddnesses disencumber tacitness sones hags cooeys
03:34 caonimaffles > figuratively hospitalize
03:34 Bnaspol discing afore abolition acidifiers gamest galloping upwelling executrices caterers grenadiers zestfully spyglass clincher relentless satiate frills examinees rancho
03:34 Hairy Bnaspol
03:34 Sketra paganist hags embalming
03:34 caonimaffles I should use that
03:34 Hairy What literally
03:34 KiraMoravvi XD
03:34 Bnaspol piranas wirephoto laura celibate underages booby christianizes picturing pyromaniacal highlands overture canceler tearjerker ponderer forfended abscising ruinated
03:34 Sketra embal the pagans
03:34 Sketra embalm
03:34 ConsciousCode I feel like you could make a Markov chain work if it was properly constructed to not be too functional
03:34 Bnaspol matinees deselecting portcullises
03:34 caonimaffles celibate, yes, we know
03:34 caonimaffles underages booby
03:34 Bnaspol intellectualism fattening sawmill lilliput disengagement pegasus bellyached trapdoor homely frequenting towhead twists cooties alan amuse puts radiograph unpopular
03:34 caonimaffles what the fuck bnaspol
03:35 Sketra booby overture
03:35 Sketra Back in his day that was normal cao
03:35 ConsciousCode Oh Lionell maybe
03:35 Bnaspol has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)