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I am not actually sure what DreamWork refers to, it could possible be a variation on Jung's analytical interpretation of dreams, but this would just be me pretending to have read, and more importantly understood Jung's work, which frankly I didn't.

However, I will recount a strange episode that I went through relating to dreams, which I am now convincided go far beyond the visual manifestation of the Sub-consiouses desires or worries. Basically One evening I awoke after remembering aparticully lucid dream, which was strange as I have never been particulay adept at reconting them previously. However on this occassion I did, and too my amazement two weeks later the event I had dreamed occured, but it was the detail and almost identical way in which it occured that realy confussed me. The event in question was not even that unusual, a specific conversation with a friend in the local pub, and later a smoke with a select group of friends, but it was the complete similarity between dream, and subsequently reality that puzzeled me so much.

All I know is that I did predict the future,as profound as that sounds, although disapointingly it was a toatally benighn and unprofitable part of the future. The experiance has not happened since, but has left a suitable impact upon me. I would like to know if anyone else has had a similar experiance, so feel free to comment, or to ridicule the choice is yours.

- Regards Marksman (AHD)

In my personal experience, and just like you I may be posting on the wrong track here, but my experiences deal more with the conversational aspects. In using a dream state as the facilitating gateway of communication with people or entites. In my few experiences the commonality is the exceptionally lucid qualities to the dreams and the fact that they, for me, occur in a place of humanity, within or around a store, house, temple, office building, etc. Jung may have written about it, but many traditions from both African and Native American shamanism have great value in dreams power. And obviously the Dreamtime refered to by the aborigines indicate that Jung may be describing in a "scientific" bent a common aptitude available to all humans. Perhaps you should attempt to direct the dreaming to a specific event or person and see if you can produce the effect again.

-Hope it Helps Prodigal Son

Though I have never actually encounterd the term Dreamworking I suppose it might relate to lucid dreaming and related techniques for manipulating your dreams.
