Essay:What is sacred?

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For several months now I've had the uncomfortable feeling that in realizing my innate godhood as the Observer, the concept of "sacred" has lost all meaning. Nothing is ultimately larger than myself because everything I look at is just an extension of me. If I think it'd be neat to accept Thoth as my patron deity, I find great difficulty in taking that seriously because he's just another form of me. How can I worship myself, or find my reflections in the mirror of reality sacred? What does it even mean for something to be sacred, especially when everything is God is me?

I read an article which defines "sacred" in a more general sense, so it can apply to concepts too. Integrity for me by this definition is sacred. Kindness, empathy, love, rationality, generality, all sacred. But these can't be objects of worship any more than I can lay in a bed made of sleep.