I wrote this in Notepad++ late at night and had to stop midway to sleep.
- History of radionics (it goes back to 1860)
- More references and information on the operation section
- Maybe split that into another section on construction (see external links)
- More stuff on geometric patterns (like in the hieronymus machine)
- Theories section
- Skepticism section (there'll be a ton, focus on radionics in total rather than individual machines)
- Known skeptic sources:
- Watch out for radionics (there's an article by an M.D. on it)
- Can a lock of hair hold the key to health (some journalist got wind)
- Skepdic has an article on it
- Known skeptic sources:
- Pictures
- More info (somewhere?) on psychic enhancement, OBE induction, wish fulfillment, and machine-specific properties (like the HDR and time dilation/travel)