Essay:Found Coins

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Tokens and fetishes, in the mystical sence, call quietly to your mind. Stumbling upon some dirty little, mishapen stone that, to the mundane eye, is no more than another pebble, one begins to develope a greater understanding of "Te". "Te" is the toaist concept best explained as "the greatness of small things."

Within all objects in this universe there is a potential, a "life" energy, or "Chi," and the less significant the object, the less this "chi" will have been tapped.

In this sence, small, forgotten objects, like the provebial lucky penny are monsterous storehouses of potential energy. How one perceives this energy, and how one choses to tap it is really only based on their philisophic veiw of this universe.

These tiny, held-over symbols of superstistion can trigger the most profound instances of mental acclarity.

Try this simple exercise; while wandering through the city lost in deep thought, consider the ground and streets about you. When some small object, like a penny, catches your eye, pick it up. Now begin to meditate upon this object. Meditate upon its insignificance in the socialy acknowledged reality of the world. Meditate upon the significance of its placement in the universe. Meditate upon the universe without this object.

You may begin to feel a sence of elation and develop a profound new perceptual sence of this universe.

This is how one may begin to develop an intuitive sence of the cosmological structure of reality.