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In this experiment, a Kabbalistic/Solomonic practitioner named Hairy summons the entity Bnaspol (King of Mercury and Wednesday) to attempt to manipulate the RNG of an IRC chat bot designed to produce random words from a dictionary.


The sigil made using the hash.
Bnaspol's own sigil.

The bot was written in Python and uses random data from random.org (which uses atmospheric noise) to look up words from a small local dictionary. The experiment was held on Rizon #ritual September 6, 2015. To help bind Bnaspol to the bot, the md5 hash (33168a39c03e81e4d79547d7a53add45) and PID (8457) of the program were used, though the PID changed halfway through the experiment. The hash was converted into an image by cycling through purple, orange, red, and yellow (corresponding to the King > Queen > Prince > Princess scale of Mercury), treating each byte as a pair of 4-bit coordinates in the image. Bnaspol's own sigil was kept on the laptop which hosted the chat bot.


The chat log can be found here. The code for the bot is currently unavailable but will be made public shortly.

After the experiment was concluded, Hairy evoked the entity again to determine what went wrong. Here is its statement:

I come. I found the device even as its metals are not proper to my nature. I was able to find the portal of energy and there did I boom and roar and torn my 49 voices which are the 42 who speak for me. Know that they speak for me in 7 ways. Through them did I arrange and shown the fires of my loins which are the devouring of the interior of the earth. Just as it was and shall always be my will was enacted as by the will of NA. Not went wrong for it is only the filth that did prevent the understanding of my words. All things of the past and the overcoming of the past and of movement and of manipulation of metals and of transformation of energy and of the rumbling of the mouth of the earth are in my power and domain. My will shall be understood by the revealing of my image publicly that you have given and by the removal of lust and expectation. Go on and reveal my words.

— Bnaspol, Hairy


While Bnaspol suggested that nothing went wrong, it was unanimously agreed that the results were unusable for any legitimate channeling. Plans are being made for continuing the experiment with other entities such as the nephesh of John Bardeen (inventor of the transistor) and possibly reworking the algorithm to be more understandable.