Joe cell

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The Joe cell is a series of concentric, equally spaced, unmagnetized metal cylinders filled with water and treated to a series of electrical alternations that reportedly produces an excess of electricity (compared to what would otherwise be electrolysis) and an implosive gas capable of powering cars.[1]

A spherical version, called the Moe cell, is said to be more efficient (though potentially more difficult to assemble) than its predecessor.[2]

A simple schematic for a Joe cell.


Joe cells must go through a series of stages to start it; the first stage is simple electrolysis, the second "seeding" stage gathers energy for operation, and the third is when it can be used as a power source. The fourth stage is purported to have antigravitational effects. While running, there's no electrical current. Cars are run on a hydrogen-like implosive gas which causes engines to cool down rather than heat up.[1][3]


Some proponents of orgone theory suggest that the Joe cell isn't creating free energy, but rather converting free floating orgone into electricity, as it could easily be interpreted as a form of orgone accumulator.

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