The Great Dao Doctrine

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The Great Dao Doctrine was founded by Liu Deren, who declared that an old man had taught him the mysterious Dao in the second Huangtong year (AD 1142) of the Jin dynasty (1115-1234), leading to the birth of the Great Dao Doctrine. Liu taught his disciples nine religious commandments which included ethical principles such as being loyal to the emperor, being kind to one's parents, being honest to others, remaining in quietude, staying away from passions and desires, being content with a simple life, being close to Dao, living on the fruits of one's own hard labor, living modestly, no stealing, no drinking, not being arrogant, and so on. So many people became his followers that preachers of the Great Dao Doctrine were seen in every corner of China. After his death, he was granted the title of Perfect Man. He was followed by patriarch Chen Shizheng of the second generation, partriarch Zhang Xinzhen of the third generation and Mao Xizong of the fourth generation. In the sixth Zhenda year (AD 1229) of emperor Ai's reign, the Great Dao Doctrine was banned. In the following years, it spread secretly among the lower classes of society. Consequently, there are few mentions of the sect remaining in the historical records. During emperor Xian's reign in the Yuan dynasty, the Great Dao Doctrine saw its fifth generation partriarch Li Xicheng, who won the trust of the rulers and changed the sect's name to the 'Perfect Doctrine of the Great Dao'. After the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368), the sect started to decline and, at last, integrated itself into The Complete Perfection Tradition. zh:大道教