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Pagan festivals
February 2nd Imbolc
March 20th Vernal equinox / Ostara
May 1st Beltane
June 21st Summer solstice / Litha
August 1st Lammas
September 22nd Autumnal equinox / Mabon
October 31st Samhain
December 21st Winter solstice / Yule
The exact date each year can vary slightly. The dates are different in the southern hemisphere.

The Wheel of the Year is at its Zenith. It's the longest day of the year, and the strength of the Sun God begins to wane. The Goddess, who wed her consort the God at Beltane, is now heavy with the fruits of that union. As the light of the sun begins to fade, that energy returns to the earth in the form of ripening fruits and grains. On this day light and life are abundant.